by Natalie | Feb 3, 2023 | Broken Halos Haven
This is Freddie and Betty. Three years ago, shortly after Wayne died, I saw this sweet couple walking hand-in-hand around the track at the CAC. It made me sad. It made me feel so alone. Why didn’t we get a chance to grow old together? But then I decided to be happy...
by Natalie | Feb 3, 2023 | Broken Halos Haven
I shared this on Facebook as we approached the 2-year anniversary of losing Wayne. I was organizing the linen closet today and found a bag hidden in the back. I knew exactly what was in it. And I knew I needed to look at the contents. These items represent the last...
by Natalie | Feb 3, 2023 | Broken Halos Haven
It’s very common for grief to hit hard with the changing of seasons. * That little blade of green grass peeking through a brown, brittle terrain. * Red checkered table cloths and burgers on a grill. * Leaves whirling by on a crisp, cool morning. * A frozen turkey in...
by Natalie | Feb 3, 2023 | Broken Halos Haven
As several of my widow friends have started dating and even remarried, I’ve noticed a really weird reaction I’ll have. When she posts a picture with her new love, I’m often taken aback seeing her with a different man. Keep in mind, I NEVER MET her late husband. But...
by Natalie | Feb 3, 2023 | Broken Halos Haven
I am a widow collector. Every few weeks it seems someone will reach out to tell me one of their friend’s husband recently died and they ask me to connect with her. I say, “Absolutely — in about a month — because right now she doesn’t want to hear...
by Natalie | Feb 2, 2023 | Broken Halos Haven
Today would’ve been our 19th wedding anniversary. It’s interesting as I look at my ring. I’ve never been a big jewelry person. When Wayne and I were dating and talking marriage, I actually dreaded the thought of having to wear a ring on my hand the REST.OF.MY.LIFE. At...