How It Works

for grieving families

Broken Halos Haven allows grieving families a private, no-cost getaway to empower and build the confidence of widows who are now parenting alone and to help them realize it’s OK to have fun, enjoy life, and find joy again.

When the widow is ready to take those first, few steps forward as an “only parent,” our hope is she’ll embrace the opportunity to travel with just her kids and herself. Families get the entire 3 bedroom/2 bath private home all to themselves (check it out HERE). But we also know some widows aren’t ready to travel alone, so a close friend or family member is welcome to come along for additional support, if needed.

  1. Register
    Widows can request to stay at no cost for 3 days/2 nights by filling out the form HERE. A response email will be sent from connect@brokenhaloshaven within 3 business days.
  2. Create Registry
    After her registration is approved, she will have the opportunity to create a customized Grief Getaway Gift Registry based on her family’s needs. Additional nights/days stays at Broken Halos Haven can be added to the registry, plus other items. For example, if she has teenagers, she might choose to ride go-carts, play laser tag, or a gift card to a local restaurant. If she has preschoolers, admission to a children’s museum or trampoline park might be more her speed. This is optional.
  3. Choose a Point Person
    Once her registry is complete, a unique URL will be generated that she can share with a trusted friend or family member who will serve as her coordinator/point person. They’ll be the one to send out the registry link to friends and family wanting an opportunity to purchase items on her wishlist. Items on the gift registry are not guaranteed. All funds donated into the widow’s account will go towards the purchase of as many items as possible.

***Please Note: We respectfully ask that only recent widows (or widowers) who have lost their legal spouses within the last 18 months and those with minor children request to stay at Broken Halos Haven. Priority consideration will be given to the most recent widows and those with multiple children still living at home. We reserve the right to decline any requests made for donated stays at Broken Halos Haven. 


When Broken Halos Haven is not being used by widows, we occasionally make it available as a short-term rental. Proceeds from rental income help to offset operating costs. Email us at to check availability.

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