What is Broken Halos Haven?

Broken Halos Haven helps to empower and build the confidence of young widows who are now parenting alone AND to help families realize it’s OK to move forward and find joy again even in the midst of their grief.

Broken Halos Haven serves young widows and their school-aged children in Dallas/Ft. Worth (and beyond!) with 4 main offerings:

1. Grief Retreat

A no-cost, stay at Broken Halos Haven, our private, “grief retreat” home located in Old Town Lewisville.

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SHIFT is a weekly, group grief support program for children who have lost a parent due to death.

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3. Honey Dudes

Most widows are overwhelmed with household maintenance and/or repair needs; even simple tasks are hard because they’re reminders of the huge void left in their family. Our “Honey Dudes” swoop into widow’s homes on designated weekends and complete tasks on household to-do lists.

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4. Man Camp

 Man Camp is a program for boys who no longer have fathers to teach and guide them. They gather with “mentor dads” to learn simple tasks every man should know (i.e. how to start a lawnmower, how to change an air filter, how to throw a ball, how to shake a hand, how to treat a woman, etc.). There is also intentional, focused time training these boys to be men of upstanding character.

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Watch and hear the “Stories of Hope” from past families we’ve served!

The Haven

Funds are currently being raised to build The Haven, located three blocks east of Broken Halos Haven in Old Town Lewisville. It will be a place where children who have experienced the death of a parent can connect with each other and receive emotional support through programs/events specially designed to help move them through their grief journey.

Widows and their kids will also be able to gather together at The Haven for weekend potluck dinners, karaoke fun, and family game nights!

It’ll feature …

  • Man Camp garage
  • Upstairs art studio for SHIFT activities
  • 2-story indoor, spiral slide
  • Soft & safe “rumpus room”
  • Large bunk room
  • Community dining table
  • … and more!

When it’s not being used for grief programs, it’ll be available to rent for church lock-ins, kids birthday parties, corporate team building events, and more; making it self-sustaining and income-generating.

WE NEED YOUR HELP TO BUILD THE HAVEN! Click the “Learn More” button for info on how you can support.

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