Edit Your Story Well

Edit Your Story Well

God is the author of your story. He determines the course — the good, bad and ugly. But YOU are the editor. And only you can decide how your story is told. Just like a good book editor polishes, refines, and directs the focus of the story; cutting out the nonessential...
Grief Trigger: Old Couples

Grief Trigger: Old Couples

This is Freddie and Betty. Three years ago, shortly after Wayne died, I saw this sweet couple walking hand-in-hand around the track at the CAC. It made me sad. It made me feel so alone. Why didn’t we get a chance to grow old together? But then I decided to be happy...
Grief Trigger: Changing Seasons

Grief Trigger: Changing Seasons

It’s very common for grief to hit hard with the changing of seasons. * That little blade of green grass peeking through a brown, brittle terrain. * Red checkered table cloths and burgers on a grill. * Leaves whirling by on a crisp, cool morning. * A frozen turkey in...
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