Join us for our FIRST Family Retreat!

When: June 14-15 (yes, we intentionally selected Father’s Day weekend)
Where: Liberty Hawk Ranch, 8343 Hilltop Rd., Argyle, TX 76226
Who: You and your kids
Why: To hang out, get to know each other better, and let the kids run around and burn off tons of energy!! 😁


*If you’re able, we’re asking that each family donate $40 HERE to help cover cleaning, food, and supplies costs. If you can’t, no worries…we’ve got you!


5pm      Check-in begins

6:30       Dinner (Provided by Good Union BBQ)

7:00       Large Group Mixer Games

7:30       Guest Speaker: “Mr. Thank You” (every family will receive a copy of his book!)

9:00       Fit Pit/S’mores/Campfire songs

10:00      “Navigate by the Stars” Man Camp

11pm      Lights Out



8am        Breakfast – Waffles, Eggs, Bacon, Bagels and more! (Provided by Whole Foods)

9am         “Outdoor Survival” Man Camp led by Special Forces men (boys);”Gratitude” Art & Crafts (girls)

Noon       Lunch (Hamburger/Hot Dogs prepared on the grills by the boys)

1pm         Talent Show/Wrap-up



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